Perfection is for the Gods

Perfection is for the Gods

Hey love,

I’ve been musing on perfection recently and probably my whole life.

My Mother used to say, perfection is for the Gods and she was definitely onto something. I think she was often speaking to my Father, who has always looked for a perfect finish.

What I would say to them now is that perfection is right here, and I would place my hand on my heart. I would tell them that it’s not something you accomplish or strive for. I would say, what if we are the Gods?

The truth is that on the most REAL level, you are fundamentally whole and complete. From the View of Tantra, you are God. A perfect expression of a universal intelligence. The Divine made flesh.

This means nothing, of course, until you realise it for yourself. It’s a nice idea. A concept. In a neoliberal society that profits on your lack, striving and achieving are deeply conditioned into our psyche. It’s hard to break out of that paradigm and see it for what it is. A story we have been sold, and a deeply harmful one.

The story of lack, of not enoughness, of not being rich enough, thin enough, smart enough, productive enough. Of not having enough medals, awards, targets and goals. All spiritual traditions, masters of consciousness (I realise the paradox in that phrase), philosophy teachers and wisdom keepers point to the same thing.

The deepest part of you - call it your essence, your true nature, the ground of being - the part of you that has remained the same through your whole life - is untainted, unbroken and utterly perfect.

When you shift into the recognition that this is who you really are then everything changes. You move from low self worth to an ever burgeoning fullness. To the perfect ‘I’. Purno’ham vimarśa.

This is my prayer for all beings.

This is my daily prayer for myself, my loved ones, my communities, my family, for all the leaders of this world, all those who are tormented by their stories and their mental suffering.

May you be free.

May you be free.

May we be free.

I leave you with these two verses from Abhinavagupta. I’ll sit with them too and write more soon.

For within these [cycles] there exist an infinite variety of painful and pleasurable worlds: higher, lower, and parallel [to this one] -- [all] aspects of this [unrestrained power of freedom to create]. || 10

The state of being ignorant of all this is itself a construct of that Freedom. The cyclical flux [of this autonomous Being] is indeed terrifying to those who are unconscious. || 11

Have a good week my loves.




Why me?


Never wear too small shoes