Trust the timing of your life

Trust the timing of your life

Hey love,

I don’t know if you need to hear this today but it’s a message that came through on training last weekend. It feels important to share.

We are in a full moon portal with a lunar eclipse and the eclipse is a living symbol of what we need to truly, finally see and release.

It asks us this:

What is it that you need to eclipse from your life?

What is the mindset that you have adopted, or you are currently stuck inside of, that is limiting your way of seeing?

The Tantrikas were absolute fucking wizards at this game. Because they knew it was a game. Whatever identity, self image or story you are currently attached to is, in some way, limiting you. In order to believe your stories or perform your roles you have to exclude all the others. But all the others are still there to be played with.

So how are your beliefs limiting you?

How is your identity pinning you down and penning you in?

I remember coming to the end of my two year therapy relationship, just before Pete and I headed off to Asia for 5 years. She suggested that I look around, be curious about who I was drawn to, see how they lived their lives and play with trying on different ways to be.

I didn’t really get what she was talking about at the time. It sounded inauthentic. Like I was supposed to be looking at other people to find out who I was, but there was true wisdom in what she said. I am only just starting to see it, after almost ten years of spiritual practice and continuous self-inquiry.

I can be whoever I fucking want to be.

If I stay bound by who I think I am then that is a choice. But I can shift and change and become and become and become. I can consistently dissolve one reality and create another. We are doing this all of the time and in Tantra, it’s called the Five Acts of God, remembering that YOU ARE GOD, from this View.

I often refer to the 4th and 5th acts of this teaching - concealment and revelation - mainly because it’s deeply comforting to remember that the revelation will come. If you are in concealment, be in concealment. I know it’s dark and uncomfortable and feels like you’re not getting out alive, and in some ways you’re not.

A new version of you is calling to you.

The light is coming.

Revelation is on its way.

Trust in the timing of your life.

This reminds me that we need context. We need tried and tested teachings, that will point us towards the truth. The saying goes that you need a thorn to unpick a thorn. Shifting our view means that we are (temporarily) replacing one concept with another but spiritual teachings hold resonant wisdom. They are not simply concepts because they point towards a deeper and fundamental insight. To really know that truth we have to sit in practice and go see for ourselves - which is the Buddhist teaching, Ehipassiko - go see for yourself.

If you’re stuck in old patterns, old ways of seeing, old identities then maybe it’s time to turn towards wisdom that works.

Let yourself be completely eclipsed, dissolve the one you have been so you can be the one you are becoming.

Trust in these strong energies that are helping you see what wants to be seen.

Some closing words from Authentic Movement pioneer, Janet Adler, shared by our dear Débora this week.

May I be able :

to see what I am ready to see

to hear what I am ready to hear

to know what I am ready to know

and to be as I am”

With all my love.




Uprooting old patterns 🌱


Eclipse season and the lighthouse of your life