Uprooting old patterns 🌱

Uprooting old patterns so new life can grow

Hello my friend

Yesterday, I decided to uproot a very beautiful ‘weed’.

Before we go any further I just want to share that I don’t really understand the concept of weeds. To me they just look like pretty wildflowers. I feel bad for them. No one wants a bad name.

So there I was, trowel in hand, having realised that the thing that had taken root had also taken over, to the point where nothing else could receive light or nourishment. There was no room for the little courgettes, rocket and tomatoes I had nurtured from seed.

These seedlings would never grow if I didn’t make space, turn the soil, feed the soil, plant them in the soil. And so, of course, I looked at this seemingly ordinary task through the lens of soul because I just can’t help myself.

The message I keep receiving is that your patterns and protective mechanisms might have kept you safe but they are also keeping you exactly where you are.

They will keep you small and keep you the same because there is no room for anything else to grow. The seeds I want to plant. The being I want to become. That ain’t gonna happen if I don’t uproot the thing that is taking up all the space and light.

And those roots are big and deep and stubborn. I have to dig down, put my back into it and be willing to sink my hands into the dark soil of my unconscious to finally be free of all the sneaky strategies and pernicious patterns that keep me small and stuck.

Most importantly, I have to cultivate awareness. I have to become more aware so I can see my patterns when they show up.

I know it’s not easy. Going into the dark seems absolutely terrifying and we need tools and resources and guides to help us navigate it. But, in my experience, it’s essential and I have come to revere and even look forward to the dark moments because I know new life is pushing through.

I hope there is something hopeful here for you and I send you my love on this sunny May afternoon.



Progress not perfection


Trust the timing of your life