Why remember?

Concealment, revelation and eternal peace.

Hey loves,

I wonder what the word ‘remembering’ means for you?

In Tantric philosophy, remembering is synonymous with Recognition and Revelation, which are pretty big ’spiritual’ words. So let’s break them down.

We live in a state of concealment from our true nature so ‘revelation’ is the process of softening the ego to reveal the Self, which expresses as peace, unconditional love, creativity, intuition and all the good stuff.

Through practice and inquiry, we come to experientially recognise ‘God’ (big word sorry) in all things. We come to remember who we were before we became our concepts, beliefs, stories and identities.

So how do we move from concealment to revelation? How do we remember?

I’ll give you a clue. Begins with ‘S’.

Sādhanā - sitting in meditation, chanting mantras, studying the texts, waking up the layers of body and being. We practice to remember:

> that life is a mystery

> that we can befriend the unknown

> that there is peace here

> that the space and the silence is always holding us

> that we belong to the trees and each other

As I sat by the lake this morning, my wiser self suggested we meditate. I closed my eyes and soon felt a very strong magnetic pull through my sacrum and coccyx. Body was attuning to land. To home. It was happening without my trying ‘to ground’. There was the strong pull of the earth, a surrender of effort, which we might also call ego, and then came the stillness of the stones. An eternal peace, or nitya, in Sanskrit, which is also another name for the Goddess Durga. My body was remembering the land and as I surrendered to the process, my being remembered the primordial peace at the centre of the Self.

It took all of five minutes.

I am feeling into what we will explore on our first month of The Remembership and have been sitting with this Buddhist teaching from the Heart Sutra:

“Form is emptiness and emptiness is form”.

Drop it into your meditation this week and let me know what comes through.

With love, curiosity and devotion.

Collette x


For the yogis who don’t belong


It is ALL path ✨