It is ALL path ✨

It is all path

Hey loves,

Today is the supermoon in Aquarius and I’m listening for what is coming up. The word that comes through is courage. And the feeling that I have is fullness.

This past week has far exceeded expectation, as 19 of us gathered in Portugal for the Samāveśa Graduates retreat. It was an invite-only affair for students from the last 3 years of online trainings - many I had not met in person - and so you can imagine there was a lot of love in the air.

Each day, we sat for sādhanā at 7am and I will never forget the admiration and awe I felt for the group, as they all sat in silence at 6.55am. Already dropped in. I have never seen that before, of all the many trainings, retreats and immersions I have attended.

The devotion, the sensitivity, the intelligence and heart of these humans has humbled me. They are clever, funny, down to earth, honest, kind, sensitive, curious, playful, they are devoted to their own realisation, and I get to call them my friends. So I’m feeling pretty lucky right now.

It was a co-created retreat so besides the morning practice we had workshops in qoya, contact improv, rope bondage, yin, nidra, cacao ceremony from our own Colombian Priestess, Juliana, and a LOT of Bhakti, thanks to my new friend the harmonium.

And of course, we had our challenges. I missed my flight, Lib left her passport on the plane, flights got cancelled, Shakti moved, we saw more of our patterns, contractions and tendencies.

And this is why I love retreats, trainings and immersions. Things get stirred up and we get to see where we are still stuck and bound. We are reminded that it is ALL path. That what is in the way IS the way.

The lessons are still being shown to me, as I process our time together, and I am turning towards them, even if I sometimes feel confused and scared. Especially then.

I will be offering live meditations on Instagram this week, if you are needing some extra guidance or reason to sit in silence. I will add them to the Meditation Enclosure, if you aren’t on Instagram.

It feels good to write to you. I have missed sending my love letters.

Full moon blessings, sweet hearts.

Let’s be gentle and honest with ourselves.




Why remember?


Why me?